Takedown Request Policy

At StealthStartupFounders.com we respect the privacy and preferences of all individuals and entities featured in our database. If you are a founder currently listed in our stealth startup database and wish to have your information removed, we provide a straightforward process for submitting a takedown request.

Eligibility for Takedown Requests

  • Takedown requests can be submitted by the founder themselves or by an authorized representative.
  • The request must pertain to information specifically related to the individual or entity in question.

How to Submit a Takedown Request

  • Email Submission: Send an email to takedown@stealthstartupfounders.com with the subject line “Takedown Request.”

Required Information:

  • Full name of the founder
  • A clear statement requesting the removal of your information

Verification Process

  • Upon receiving a takedown request, our team will verify the identity of the requester.

Processing the Takedown Request

  • Once your request and identity are verified, we will initiate the process of removing your information from our database.
  • You will receive a confirmation email once the takedown has been completed.

Timeline for Removal

  • We strive to process all takedown requests within a business day of verification.
  • In cases requiring additional verification or documentation, the process may take longer. We will keep you informed of any delays.

Contact Us

  • If you have any questions or need assistance with the takedown request process, please contact our support team at takedown@stealthstartupfounders.com.

Policy Updates

We may update this Takedown Request Policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page, and we encourage you to review this policy periodically.